Penthouse magazine pictures
Penthouse magazine pictures

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  • penthouse magazine pictures

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  • The company filed for bankruptcy protection in 2013.READ ALSO Top 10 Best Red Bull Concentrate Syrup Reviews & ComparisonĪlthough there may be more than what we are suggesting here, it is significant for you to ensure that you conduct exclusive research for this product before buying it for yourself. As well as publishing Penthouse, FriendFinder operates a number of online dating sites including, , and. Penthouse's New York offices will be shut as part of the changes, and moved to FriendFinder's offices in Los Angeles. The situation is the same abroad, too: in November last year, UK "lad mags" FHM and Zoo announced they were also closing. The situation for Penthouse seems a little different considering the publication's decision to go digital-only, but in both cases, the internet is almost certainly responsible in Penthouse's case, for reducing the magazine's circulation from its zenith of 5 million copies a month.

    penthouse magazine pictures

    Playboy's chief content officer said at the time that the new magazine will have pictures that are "a little more accessible, a little more intimate," but that with the advent of the internet, fully-nude images were "just passé." The move follows Playboy's decision last year to stop publishing images of completely nude women as part of a redesign set to be unveiled this March. Last year, Playboy announced it would stop publishing fully-nude images "Reimagined for the preferred consumption of content today by consumers, the digital version of Penthouse magazine will combine and convert everything readers know and love about the print magazine experience to the power of a digital experience," said FriendFinder Networks in a statement reported by The Wall Street Journal.

    penthouse magazine pictures

    The publication will continue in a digital format only, with parent company FriendFinder Networks saying the change is necessary to "keep Penthouse competitive in the future." It's another notch on the internet's bedpost: Penthouse magazine is ending its print edition after more than a half a century on the newsstand.

    Penthouse magazine pictures